It's Time to Pass the
Freedom to Vote Act!
The Freedom to Vote Act would make voting easier, more secure, and more accessible for all citizens, especially rural Arizonans. This bill would expand voting rights by implementing:
Same-Day Voter Registration
Universal Vote by Mail
Automatic Voter Registration
Expanded Early Voting
Online Voter Registration
Campaign Finance Reform
Urge your Senators to support the Freedom to Vote Act to fight for our voting rights and safeguard election integrity today!
Do you know how to contact your Senator?
Writing to your Senators can be tricky and time consuming if you're unsure how to navigate your demands. If you want to help progress voting rights in not only Arizona, the entire country, please use this script to tell Senator Sinema and Senator Kelly to abolish the filibuster and pass the Freedom to Vote Act!
"Hello, my name is [Your Name] and I am a constituent from [Your Zip Code]. I am calling to thank you for your support of the Freedom to Vote Act and to urge you to put pressure on your fellow senators to ensure this bill passes. This bill is essential to protecting our voting rights and election integrity."
Senator Kyrsten Sinema
(202) 224-4521
Senator Mark Kelly
(202) 224-2235
Feel free to add additional reasons why you support the Freedom to Vote Act and personalize the message.
Do you care about protecting voting rights?
Join our Campaign Team!
Regional Field Directors
Flagstaff - Yuma
The Regional Field Director (RFD) will be the heart of our work in both Flagstaff and Yuma. RAZA is currently undergoing a campaign to ensure the passing of H1/S1 (commonly known as the “For the People Act”). Each regional field director will be responsible for managing all precincts in their respective regions and will be responsible for voter contact and legislative/congressional action goals set for paid canvassers.
Flagstaff - Yuma - Central Pinal County
RAZA Canvassers will be our "frontline workers" on this campaign. They engage in direct voter/community contact and outreach at the doors, advocate for S1 (commonly known as the "For the People Act"), legislative priorities, COVID Resources, and/or other potential pressing legislative issues.
Freedom Ride 2021
In June of 2021, eight members of the RAZA staff decided to get on a bus in Phoenix, Arizona and travel all the way to Washington D.C to advocate for our right to vote. They traveled through the Deep South to get perspective on what it means to be a Freedom Rider, advocate, and ally. Below are quotes from our team to describe their experience.
The Freedom Ride was nothing short of inspirational and motivational for me. Throughout the trip, I was so humbled and empowered by the work my predecessors did for me to have the rights that I do. With this realization came a calling to continue this work and fight for equity and justice in everything that I do. The Freedom Ride changed my life and the way I see the work that I do, and I know with strength, perseverance and people willing to fight, we will have a seat at the table and make the changes we want to see. Sí se puede!
In 1961 Freedom Riders rode on interstate buses protest the segregated south. The original Freedom Riders faced physical attacks and death. They fought for the civil rights of Black Americans. In 2021 I was fortunate enough to participate in the 2021 Freedom Ride to advocate for The For The People Act to help protect our voting rights. The experience proved eye opening. Along our way to Washington DC we stopped by major civil rights locations such as the National Memorial For Peace And Justice. There I was able to hear and read about the horrible injustices done to Black Americans who had no real way to make their lives better because of Jim Crow laws that systematically kept Black voters from the ballot box. That helped ground me in what we were doing on our Freedom Ride on our way to protest and lobby in DC, continuing the fight to protect voting rights for all.
I am incredibly grateful that I was able to travel across the country to learn from sites that are rich with Black history, culture, and grassroots activism & to learn from people on our bus about the power of union organizing. The experience has grounded me in the fight today to pass the For the People Act. It has made me more aware of the power of individual courage to fight for what is right & how transformative it is when that individual courage multiplies.